It all started a long time ago
in a small city in Russia, where a little girl was trying to figure out why there were so many hungry people asking for money on the streets, living in poverty when every time she visited her grandma’s countryside house she would see so much empty land where people could grow their food as her babushka did. At this time the financial crisis came and all the food her family had was from her grandparents’ garden.

Then she learned what a “city” is
and what services it provides but still couldn’t figure out why there were people who had to ask for money on the streets in order to survive. “Why can’t they create a place where people could come and offer something in exchange for food and a roof over their head, at least?” she kept asking her mom. “Why do they have it only for prisoners? Why not do the same for good people with enjoyable living conditions, in freedom?”

Because almost everyone has something to offer for the common good.
And even if not, does it seem fair that they should be left outside?

Although the solution seemed so obvious,
it was easy to understand why it wouldn’t be very beneficial in a society where money and power were the main measurements of success. So it became her dream. Like almost every girl at some point dreams about opening an animal shelter, she dreamed about providing people with a safe and healing space that welcomes each and every one.

There was no clear execution plan
nor the resources to make this dream come true, but she decided to trust the process while taking the steps towards her dream as she strongly believed that if it is supposed to happen, then it will, and the whole Universe will support it. She started earning money, traveling, meeting people, all while being guided by the main intention. Every day she’d receive new knowledge and inspiration, sometimes from the most unexpected places.

And once she arrived in Los Angeles..
It was devastating to see so many homeless people living on the streets, hungry, dirty, obviously in need of medical help, and simple human connection. That was the moment she realized that her project should be started here.

A couple of years later,
she was invited to an event where her dearest friend gave a speech about how the world desperately needed a change and that all who came here could, should, and would be that change. It was the sign she had been waiting for. Two months later, in January 2019, her dream non-profit THE Home was born. The logo was drawn by hand, as well as the first poster.

The first event in Skid Row was organized in 3 days
as the band that offered to lead it, Cimafunk, was just passing through LA on their tour. It was a very tough deadline, but together with the greatest team of friends, they made it happen. They went to Skid Row streets and invited locals to join them at their first Homies Jam Session in San Julian Park, where they would sit in a circle on the grass. Within the circle were food, drinks, and some donated articles of clothing and shoes. Everyone was jamming together on different instruments – homeless, not homeless, just humans, together, and it was so much fun.

Not everything went as planned though.
In each area where inequality exists, there is always a group of people in charge of maintaining the situation as it is in order to keep their power. But change is unavoidable, and it was obvious that the whole Universe was supporting the movement. Out of the blue Tony Gonzales showed up, bringing his clothes and shoes to give away. His presence and gesture magically changed the mood of the majority and they all became friends.

About a month later,
they brought Homies Jams to Venice Beach, LA, as well. Those were beautiful gatherings, with more and more people learning about the project and receiving local support, but it was time for the next steps. And then, just like in a fairytale when everything comes right when it is needed, the girl met a boy who said he also wanted to help homeless people. The girl explained the concept to the boy and together, in 3 days, they created the first website, flyers and business cards to partake in a street festival in Los Angeles that was fighting the stigmas around homelessness through art and music.

Over time, there were more collaborations
and beautiful events they participated in that brought new ideas into the concept and new members into the core team. The project that once was just a dream, little by little, was becoming a reality. And now U have a chance to be a part of THE Story. Now U can help to build a new future where everyone will be treated equally and no one will be left outside.

Coming soon..
“Just released the full rebranding, they started working on the first fundraising campaign..”
“The app, launched by THE Home, is now helping to so many people..”
“Then they designed a fully sustainable concept of a first off-grid Regenerative farm..”
“After all those steps THE Home finally got their first land to build a prototype of one of the first Global Network of Regenerative farms..”
“THE Home opens its doors to each and everyone, offering free holistic health care, education and necessary skills to take any of new “Green” job opportunities..”
“More and more farmers around the US collaborate with THE Home, applying the concept of regenerative farming along with sustainable maintenance practices..”
“New headquarter farms that invite displaced people, giving them a second chance to get back on their feet, are now opened in the next States:..”
“Community Supported Agriculture system, established by THE Home, along with eco-packaging, produced and distributed by them, are helping to significantly reduce the amount of plastic and negative climate impact that accompanied the classic retail schemes before..”
“THE Home introduced their first international farm. In the following year, they plan to establish their concept in the next countries:..”
“No people are left outside. And now, homeless people, rural populations, refugees, teenagers at risk of suicide, single parents who are not able to raise their children, all the minority groups that were still suffering from unequal treatment – all the people who didn’t “fit” in the “traditional” system, will finally have a place to call home – THE Home”